angela miller curtis


angela miller curtis


Download A Free Short Story

Allison Garrett wanted to attend the best business school in the US, but her chances were looking grim. She’d already turned down two offers because they didn’t offer her enough of a scholarship. It was a gutsy move. One she hoped she wouldn’t regret.

With trembling hands, she opened the long-awaited letter. Her last chance!    

Attending Carlton Ridge University in Marble Springs, Colorado, meant everything to Allie. It was well known for its business program. Her parents didn’t understand, although they should. Her father was a retired military sergeant who didn’t settle for second best in anything she did. And her mom … well, she usually kept the peace.   

On move-in day, Allie tucked her long blond hair under a baseball cap and walked up the stairs to her seventh-floor dorm room with a box in her hand. She met Carrie, her new roommate, and was invited to her first off-campus party by a very nice-looking guy from the floor below.    

What happens next puts her head in a tailspin. For the first time in her life, she’s on her own to make decisions–for good or bad. What she does or doesn’t do is completely up to her.

Will Allie remember her upbringing and the lessons learned in church, or will she give in to her friends’ demands and encouragement to do what she knew was wrong?  

Allie is faced with a Moment of Truth!    


“I enjoyed your book Moment of Truth. It brought back memories of my college years and I wished I had read a story like this to make me think! Anyway we can inspire our youth to stay pure and not follow the world is a beautiful calling. I hope you keep writing and bless others through your stories! Yours, Lois.

Angela Miller Curtis

Meet Angela Miller Curtis

Faith, writing, and teaching are my passions. Whether you read my thought-provoking blog posts, short stories, or soon-to-be-released novels, I hope you will find something that makes you stop and ponder.

I write inspirational women’s fiction and have written my first novel, Dear Ones of Carlton Ridge.

While I wait to move to the next step in publishing, I invite you to read my FREE short story, Moment of Truth. It’s a quick read about Allie in her teen years, ready to go to college. (Allie is the main character in the Dear Ones novel.)

And – while you’re here, I’ve written a couple blogs you’ll enjoy. 

I strive to create topics for my posts that captivate, inspire, and encourage your heart. I also aim to help you with many of the life clarification tools I use in my career coaching sessions.

Together, we’ll navigate your career and study your purpose in life. I’ll share a personal prompting and explore the complexities of womanhood.

So, grab your coffee or tea, and let’s dive in – You may even want a notebook nearby.

Thank you for visiting. Please stay a while and explore more at the tabs above.

I hope to hear from you soon!

Angela Miller Curtis


On Eagles Wings

“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Isaiah 40:31

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