Live Life to the Fullest

Angela Miller Curtis

July 8, 2023

Day 3 – 7-Day Spiritual Journey

Women in a field of yellow flowers with hands raised in praise to God.

Live Life to the Fullest

“Be still, and know that I am God, I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth.                              

Psalm 46:10

Day Three –Spending time meditating and being still before the Lord is getting much easier.

As in the past couple of days, I took my place at my desk, turned on my fountain, sprayed a little essential oil, and quieted my mind by closing my eyes, and praying to God. After all, my goal is to seek his face.

Once I finished praying, I sat quietly and listened for the Holy Spirit to guide me. I picked up my bible and turned to Ecclesiastes, a book found in the Old Testament, believed to be written by King Solomon at the end of his life.

Ecclesiastes chapters 2-7. It’s a quick read.

I was intrigued by what I read, and how utterly meaningless life was to the writer.

But surprisingly, it didn’t discourage me. Instead, I felt I understood what he was saying. In striving after things you want in life, be sure to include Me, (God talking,) because without Me, life is meaningless. Paraphrased.

Basically, without God, you may achieve but you’ll want more. You’ll strive but not be fulfilled. You won’t live life to the fullest.


In order to live life to the fullest, I must put God at the root of all my desires and choices. I must let go of my ego and strive to live as Christ wants me to live. With Him by my side, I will come closer to finding fulfillment and satisfaction in my life. Without Him, all my striving is meaningless.

Have you ever wanted something so badly, you were willing to do just about anything to get it. You strived for it, only to get it, and found that it didn’t satisfy you as you thought it would? I think we all have.

For example, there are married couples who are miserable and wish they were single, while others are happy. Most single people live a good rich life, while others are unhappy wishing they were married. Some wealthy people want more and never find happiness, while poor people live every day scrapping together what they need to live and yet live life to the fullest.

  • Side note: I believe that as believers, we will never be completely satisfied in our earthly life. Our deepest desire is to have a union with God. That’s how He created us. So, until the day we pass on to Heaven, we can only experience earthly satisfaction. 

Those of us who love the Lord are offered a wonderful opportunity. One we often overlook. It is within us to appreciate life right where we are. No matter our circumstances. We do not need to gain the things we desire before being happy and content. Remember, we have life. We have God’s Word. We have Christ living within us. Let’s be grateful. And praise God for our lives.


You don’t know me, and I don’t know you, and accordingly, I don’t know what your day-to-day looks like, nor do you know mine. But, what we have in common, is our desire to seek His face and try and do what is right Otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this.

He wants His children to be happy. No matter what we strive to attain, we need to include Him in our quest.


“Hope in Me, and you will be protected from depression and self-pity. Hope is like a golden cord connecting you to heaven. The more you cling to this cord, the more I bear the weight of your burdens; thus you are lightened. Heaviness is not of My kingdom. Cling to hope, and My rays of Light will reach you through the darkness.”

Jesus Calling

Still building your dream life? Be patient, and thank Him for the stage you are in life. He will be by your side every step of the way as you live life to the fullest.  


Remember these three things:

  • Do not try to do life without Him.
  • Love the life you have and thank God for it. (You can never praise Him too much)
  • In Him all things are received and may be enjoyed abundantly.


  • Bottomline – Live the life you have to the fullest, bring Jesus along with you, and praise Him every day for what you have!  

Feel free to email me at I would love to hear from you. And I would love for you to download my short story Please pass this link to your friends.

Enjoy finding out how to know your Purpose in Life.

Until next time,



angela miller curtis

Angela Miller Curtis