![Shows what an Advent calendar looks like](https://i0.wp.com/angelamillercurtis.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Advent-Calendar.webp?resize=600%2C600&ssl=1)
The lesson at church this past Sunday was about the Advent Calendar and it’s deeper meaning. It touched me and I want to share it with you. I found it interesting as to why it’s part of the celebration this time of year.
You may have grown up with one in your house, but I did not. I thought it was simply a countdown to Christmas and the birth of Christ.
But not so.
I didn’t understand the deeper meaning behind the celebration until now.
Let me explain. I’ll make it as short as I can.
God is a God Who Speaks!
God spoke to his people in the Old Testament, but something happened at the end of the last book – God stopped talking. (Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament)
God was silent for 400 years, during which time his people continued to hope, watch, and pray.
Finally, 400 years later, God breaks his silence, and the New Testament begins.
He has not forgotten about his people – God sends Good News
God sent Gabriel, an angel, to Zachariah with a message that his prayers had been answered. Gabriel tells Zachariah that Elizabeth, his wife, will have a son, and they will name him John. (The account is found in Luke 1. It’s fascinating if you haven’t read it in a while.) Then Gabriel goes to see Mary, the mother of Jesus, to tell her she will have a son, and then he returns to Elizabeth.
Zachariah and Elizabeth are old, and Zachariah questions Gabriel, wondering how it could be possible for Elizabeth to have a baby. Now, remember Gabriel came directly from God. He was sent to tell Zachariah and Mary what would happen, by God himself. But, because of Zachariah’s questioning, God strikes him mute for nine months.
Elizabeth is pregnant and has a baby boy. The elders ask the boy’s name, and Zachariah writes on a tablet, “John.” (It was customary to name your son after the father.) Then God opens Zachariah’s mouth, and he is able to speak again.
You see, God had a purpose in mind for John. As a man, John became known as John the Baptist, the forerunner to the coming of the Messiah.
The Advent
At the end of the Old Testament, God’s people hoped, watched, and prayed for His first coming!
Now, it’s our turn.
Throughout the New Testament, God tells us to watch for His second coming to earth. Like our forefathers, we are to hope, watch, and pray. The Advent.
He has not forgotten about his people!
The Advent calendar is about counting down the days until we celebrate Jesus’s birth and being reminded of the Good News that Jesus will return to earth to claim His people—all because God hasn’t forgotten about His people.
So this year when you see an Advent Calendar, remember the deeper meaning. Look forward, stay alert, and celebrate all that God has in store.
“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7
If this has brought to mind more questions than I have answered. I encourage you to find a Bible believing church to attend. Seek people out who know much more than I do about scripture, and enjoy going deeper.
I pray you have a wonderful Christmas season with your family and friends. May you enjoy many of God’s blessings in the coming new year.
While we hope, watch, & pray,
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