Day 2 – Spiritual Journey

God is in the Every Day!
“Be strong and courageous and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you.
1 Chronicles 28
Day Two – No headache, Yahoo!
“For God to be at the forefront of my awareness – He communicates with me more readily when my mind is uncluttered – Then I can seek God and hear Him softly speak to me.”
Jesus Calling
I began the morning downstairs in my office while it was still dark out. Instead of sitting on the floor, I decided to sit at my desk. My desk is a familiar setting and I have a purpose in mind, so I won’t let my mind think about things I need to do.
Hopefully, no distractions today. Seeking Him is more comfortable today.
I closed my eyes and began praying and talking to God. I asked him to open my eyes to the things he wanted me to learn.
After a little while, I stopped talking and began to listen. I find it hard for me to just listen. When things began to clutter my mind, I managed to push them away and tried to focus my attention on what God might be showing me.
I prayed and asked God to let me see Him clearer.
My children and grandkids entered my mind, and I began praying for each one of their lives.
Once again, my heart was touched profoundly. As I thought about each one, I felt overwhelmed with blessings. But, I must admit, I’m surprised. I thought my quest to find the face of God would lead me to deeper thoughts. Something like the meaning of life, feeding the hungry, things like that. My family and my book are common things for me to pray about.
That is exactly what God is showing me.
Ideally, as Christians, when our feet hit the floor each morning, we set out to love Him and make choices for the day based on what He would have us do. We try and let Him direct our path.
I closed my eyes and listened – the Holy Spirit reminded me that God is in the everyday.
The things that are important to us, like our families – are important to Him also. And when things go awry, he shows up in our everyday lives. As we try and live as Christ lived, God showing up, can’t be helped.
Having two married kids, each with three kids, and one married, there is always something going on in their lives to pray about.
- First and foremost – their spiritual walk
- Marriage, and their future marriages
- Jobs
- Friendships, etc.
Why should I be surprised that God shows up in the everyday?
But I have to ask myself, do I trust that God is in control? Even if the outcome doesn’t pan out the way I wanted? Do I trust that God knows exactly what He is doing?
A part of me thinks I do. I know that God knows better than I do when it comes to my family. It comes down to trust. Do I trust that God is working on things behind the scenes for their good? Do I praise Him for His work on their behalf even when they go through pain and hurt?
Paraphrased the day’s reading – “Every time you affirm your trust in God, you put a coin into his treasury, building up equity in preparation for days of trouble. God keeps safely in his heart all the trust invested in him. The more you trust him, the more he empowers you to do so.
Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young
I sensed God reminding me of His love for me and calling me to depend on Him. I need to learn to trust him with those things that matter most to me. In the everyday!
“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:20-21
I desperately love my family – And God desperately loves me (and them) – therefore whatever they go through, God cares and does hear my prayers on their behalf.
When I seek Him for help on their behalf, I am seeking His face!
Practicing my trust in Him when things are quiet and easy, makes trusting Him in times of trouble more natural. God keeps all I have trusted to him in His heart, and it builds interest, so I have an ample supply of trust to use in times of trouble.
Feel free to contact me at I would love to hear from you.
You may enjoy reading my Free short story about Allie Garrett. A young lady who finally learns to trust God.
Until next time,