Day 4 – Spiritual Journey

The Unexpected
“Come to me with a teachable spirit, eager to be changed. A close walk with Me is a life of continual newness. Do not cling to old ways. Instead, seek My Face with an open mind, knowing that your journey with Me involves being transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
Jesus Calling
Day Four – Full of surprises!
The Unexpected!
Today I’m a little less organized. It’s my anniversary.
I’m hopeful that once these seven days are over, I will continue to spend time with God every single day. I want to continue to seek His face and His will for my life. In doing so, perhaps I’ll be more aware of the moments and situations when God wants to use me.
I think this speaks to self-control which I haven’t addressed yet in my journey. It’s one of the character traits the Lord wants us to aspire to and one I want to work on in my life.
My time with God today was spent worshiping Him and thinking about Sunday’s sermon. I wanted to let the sermon speak to my heart. The unexpected.
God did something on Sunday I wasn’t expecting. Right after the second song was sung, and before the sermon began, the Pastor had an alter call. Unusual. It’s usually at the end of the sermon if there’s going to be one. He asked if anyone had something to bring before the Lord, to come forward and he would pray over them.
The first thing that came to my mind was my book. It’s very important to me to know that God is behind what I write.
I looked at my husband and worked my way up the aisle to offer my book up for prayer.
It was very encouraging to begin my morning this way. Thank you, God!
The lesson was about a cripple begging for money. Peter and John encountered him on their way to a service at the Temple. It was three in the afternoon. On a normal day.
They must have passed by that crippled man a dozen or more times before, but today was not going to be a normal day for any of them.
Peter and John weren’t expecting this day to be any different than the day before. They were on their way to pray in the Temple as usual, passing by all the familiar things along the way. The story is from Acts 3:1-7.
The beggar certainly didn’t know what was about to happen to him. All he was hoping for was a little money from the passersby. Peter heard/felt the Holy Spirit’s nudging, and not only listened but followed through.
Peter told the beggar to look at him, and the beggar did what he was told, expecting to receive some money. Instead, Peter said, “I don’t have money to give you, but what I have I give you.”
I wonder if, for a split second, the beggar was disappointed that he wasn’t getting silver.
Peter took the beggar by the right hand, remember, the beggar is still crippled, and Peter helped him up. Instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. The unexpected!
Why on that day?
Can you imagine if Peter and John simply walked past the man and didn’t follow the Holy Spirit’s nudge that afternoon? They would have each missed the miracle God had in store.
How many times have I done that? Simply kept going with my plans in too much of a hurry to hear or feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit.
I sensed God loud and clear that Sunday morning.
“Daughter don’t miss what I have planned for you. I may use you to help my people, or I may send someone to help you. Stay watchful, look for the unexpected, and sense my nudge.”
Angela Miller Curtis
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13
You never know when God has a lesson in store for you. This is twice now this week that I’ve offered my book to Him. I wait in wonder to see what He does.
“We wait in hope for the Lord: he is our help and our shield. In Him, our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.”
Psalm 33: 20-21
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Enjoy reading my Free short story about Allie Garrett. A young lady who goes through the unexpected.
Until next time,